Meh sambung balik pasal valentine ni knp ibu x celebrate sbb valentine ni di sambut oleh orang kristian, ibu nak share sikit tentang meaning of 'VALENTINE".According to one legend,valentine actually sent the first ''valentine'' greeting himself while in a prison,it is believed that valentine felt in love with a young girl who has been jailor's daughter who visit him during the confinement,before he death,it is alleged that he wrote a letter which he signd'' from your valentine", an expression is still in use today.while some belived that valentine's day is celebrated in the middle of february to commemorate the anniversary of valentine's death or burial.Others claim that the cristian church may have decided to celebrate the valentine's feast day in the middle of february 14 feb in an effort to "christianize" celebration of the pagan lupercalia celebration. aha skrg dah tahukan pasal valentine's day ni, so u all decide la sendiri elok ke x elokkan..
Tapi ibu rasa org islam skrg ni yg krg sikit agamanya dah x tahu menilai mana baik dan buruk semua menjadi ikutan mereka.kenapa maulidur rasul xder pulak disambut sebegini hebatkan..nauzubillah...yerlah kalau yg celebrate tu maybe diaorg ni mmg dah biasa dgn budaya kebaratan, ibu xnak komen la pasal ni sbb kubur masing-masingkan sila jwb dgn yg diatas...